
2022 Energy Efficiency Finance Forum

May 23 - 25, 2022

    Sonesta White Plains
    White Plains, NY

    Over 150 individuals met in person to learn about financing the clean energy transformation needed to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen the economy as well as how to finance a rapid scaling of deep building retrofits and other energy-saving initiatives. Financing will play a vital role in dramatically reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions over the next 30 years. 

    Attendees explored creative and innovative ways to finance projects that are essential for reducing energy waste, saving money, creating jobs, and meeting climate goals. They collaborated and networked with other industry leaders and learned about successful projects that are emerging across the United States that cover energy efficiency as a service and other pay-for-performance finance structures. 

    Welcome — David Davenport, NY Green Bank

    David Davenport, conference chair and managing director at NY Green Bank on the Investment & Portfolio Management Team, welcomed attendees to the forum at the opening session. He is responsible for leading NY Green Bank’s disadvantaged community lending activities, including financing high-performance affordable housing and beneficial building electrification that serves historically marginalized New Yorkers. Mr. Davenport has over 30 years’ experience in real estate, finance, and government.

    Opening Keynote — David Nemtzow, U.S. Department of Energy

    David is senior advisor at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office, where among other responsibilities he coordinates LPO’s Virtual Power Plant Initiative, which provides financing to innovate, large, interconnected efficiency, demand flexibility, renewables, storage, and other clean DER projects. Previously he was director of DOE’s Building Technologies Office.

    Opening Plenary: Ithaca's Plan to Electrify Everything to Help Reach Goal of Carbon-Neutrality by 2030

    Vanessa Fajans-Turner
    Megan Campbell
    Opinion Dynamics
    Cullen Kasunic
    James McIntyre
    Inclusive Prosperity Capital

    This plenary included stakeholders working to ensure that Ithaca, N.Y., achieves its goal of electrifying all its buildings by 2030. In November 2021, Ithaca became the first U.S. city to announce a plan reach this goal.

    Wednesday Keynote Address and Panel Discussion
    Bridging the Gap: Ensuring Access to Energy Efficiency for All

    Tony G. Reames, the senior advisor in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Economic Impact and Diversity, discussed energy justice and the need for creative, alternative financial solutions to expand access to energy efficiency. He highlighted efforts of DOE and the “all of government” Justice 40 initiative to achieve equity. The presentation was followed by a discussion on fiscally sustainable and scalable solutions to accelerate investment on inclusive terms. The discussion was moderated by Holmes Hummel, founder and executive director of Clean Energy Works, and the panelists included Tammy Agard, Chief Executive Officer at EEtility and Greg Hale, Senior Advisor for Energy Efficiency Markets & Finance at NYSERDA.

    Holmes Hummel
    Clean Energy Works
    Tammy Agard
    Greg Hale


    Pre-conference Workshop

    Tuesday, May 24 

    This workshop provided an introduction to the world of energy efficiency finance. Instructors discussed key components of efficiency  financing, the most popular financing models, and the latest trends. The workshop covered the three major market sectors—residential, commercial, and government facilities—with a discussion of pros, cons, and applicability of different finance mechanisms. Matthew Brown of the National Energy Improvement Fund was the workshop presenter.


    1A. Utility Financing Program Landscape and Case Studies

    Claire Cowan
    Anne Arquit Niederberger
    Darren Hanway
    Southern California Gas
    Hank Ryan
    Efficiency Data & Development

    This panel explored how utility financing products (such as on-bill) and regulations can spur energy efficiency upgrades. It included a case study of a retrofit of a multifamily building in Germany that dramatically reduced energy waste.

    1B. The Flexibility of Green Bank Capital to Fill Market Gaps

    Maria Duanne Andrade
    Solar & Energy Load Fund
    Tibita Kaneene
    New York Green Bank
    Jean Nelson-Houpert
    D.C. Green Bank
    Doug Sims

    This panel explored how green banks are using the $7 billion in capital that they've generated in the United States (through 2020) to invest in energy efficiency.

    1C. Financing Energy Efficiency in Affordable Housing & Multifamily Properties

    Abigail Corso
    David Davenport
    New York Green Bank
    Atalia Howe
    Community Preservation Corporation
    Kim Stevenson
    Inclusive Prosperity Capital
    Kelly Biscuso

    The increased focus on social equity in energy efficiency is attracting new types of lenders, investors, and financing structures aimed at hard-to-reach markets. This panel showcased some of these new capital sources that are targeting efficiency upgrades for affordable multifamily house—a market that has been traditionally underserved.

    2A. Energy Efficiency Financing Programs: Evaluation and Innovation

    Kaylee D'Amico
    CA State Treasurer's Office
    Alex Hill
    Dunsky Energy
    & Climate Advisors
    Andrew Chintz
    NYC Accelerator
    Fred Lee
    Bayview Asset Management

    This session looked at how energy-saving financing programs are performing and how they can improve, based on the perspectives of three such programs.

    2B. Different Approaches to Energy Efficiency as a Service

    Barend Dronkers
    Gopal Vemuri
    Nick Henner
    Cassandra John

    This panel looked at energy efficiency as a service, an approach that finances energy-saving upgrades through a service agreement that requires no upfront capital from the building owner. Panelists discussed companies providing energy as a service products and recent utility involvement in this space.

    2C. Market Education of Energy Efficiency Financing Products and Resources

    Rachel Cluett
    Fannie Mae
    Kyle Saltsman
    RE Tech Advisors
    Andrew Padian
    Energy Consultant
    David Tancabel
    US Environmental
    Protection Agency

    This session helped simplify the complicated world of energy efficiency financing by sharing some of the best resources available to educate the market on financing products and programs for particular sectors or building types.

    3A. Maximizing Impact from the Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Program

    Matthew Brown
    National Energy
    Improvement Fund
    Sam Cramer
    National Association of State Energy Officials
    Mary Templeton
    Michigan Saves
    Sean Williamson
    US Department
    of Energy

    This panel discussed lessons learned from past efforts and successes in creating revolving loan funds (RLFs) and the 2021 bipartisan infrastructure bill, which includes $250 million for an energy efficiency RLF capitalization grant program available to states.

    3B. Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Landscape

    Michele Pitale
    Sustainable RE
    Kate Cusack
    Nuveen Green Capital
    Kim Johnston
    Tricia Baker
    PACE Equity
    Mark Lyles
    New Buildings Initiative

    This panel explored how C-PACE, which has more than $2 billion in cumulative investments, can help finance complex energy upgrades in different markets across the United States.

    3C. When You Build It … A Case Study of Pay as You Save (PAYS) at Scale!

    Tammy Agard
    Alissa Greenwald
    Renew Missouri
    Geoff Marke
    Missouri Office of
    Public Council
    Elizabeth Ruder

    This panel featured varying perspectives that helped make Missouri the first U.S. state where every investor-owned utility will soon be offering PAYS.

    4A. How Do We Reach and Finance the Savings from Deep Energy Retrofits?

    Troid Edwards
    National Grid
    Andy Frank
    James Geppner
    Retrofit NY

    This panel shared innovative approaches to financing deep energy savings in residential and commercial properties.

    4B. Financing Clean Transportation

    Michelle Levinson
    World Resources Institute
    Steve Nadel
    Burr Tweedy
    New York Green Bank
    Elizabeth Wolfe
    US Dept. of Energy
    Loan Programs Office

    This panel discussed the important role that financing can play in slashing the transportation’s heat-trapping emissions through electrification.

    4C. Accelerating Residential Financing Programs and Products

    Veronique Bugnion
    Clearly Energy
    Luz McCarthy
    Mathieu Poirier
    Dunsky Energy
    & Climate Advisors
    Chris Nichols
    HomeWorks Energy

    This panel discussed incorporating energy efficiency improvements into mortgages, more inclusive financing programs, and Canada’s Community Efficiency Financing initiative for the residential sector.

    Likely Attendees

    For more than a decade, the Finance Forum has brought together a diverse mix of participants, including clean-tech and energy efficiency investors; financiers; real estate professionals; community development finance institutions and other mission-driven lenders; utility staff; local, state, and federal officials; policymakers; NGOs; energy service company personnel; energy efficiency program planners, operators, and evaluators; and marketing experts.

    Click here for a list of organizations that participated in the 2021 virtual event.








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