
2025 Energy Efficiency as a Resource

October 7 - 9, 2025


    The Grand Hyatt Denver

    The 13th biennial Energy Efficiency as a Resource conference will focus on policies and programs to reduce energy waste as we build the utility system of the future. This event will explore how efficiency efforts can expand and evolve to help utilities and policymakers overcome the challenge of rapid electric load growth while maintaining power reliability and customer affordability. The conference will provide a unique opportunity to interact with the key players in the utility energy efficiency arena.

    In addition, ACEEE has collaborated with IEPEC to kickstart the week with its evaluation conference at the same venue as EER. These back-to-back events will provide the opportunity for broader networking and gathering of information from more experts in the field. IEPEC’s event will be held from Monday, October 6 through Wednesday, October 8, overlapping with the start of the EER conference on Tuesday, October 7.  The EER conference will wrap up on Thursday, October 9.  Discount registrations will be offered to attendees who want to participate in both events.  More information to come in summer 2025!





    Call for Proposals

    Be a part of the nation's premier conference on energy efficiency as a utility resource! 

    We invite dynamic speakers to submit presentation proposals highlighting impactful strategies, policies, programs, and technologies in energy efficiency. Proposals should align with these topics of interest:

    • Strategies, policies, and program designs for energy efficiency as a utility resource
    • Energy efficiency for improving energy affordability
    • Energy efficiency’s role in supporting grid reliability  and resilience
    • How efficiency and demand flexibility can help utilities address rapid load growth

    Your proposal for a conference break-out presentation should be no more than 250 words and relate to one or more of the following conference tracks:

    1. Energy Efficiency / Demand Flexibly to Meet Utility Energy and Capacity Resource Needs

    • Policies and examples of meeting aggressive demand growth with energy efficiency through resource planning and procurement 
    • Innovative policies, practices and partnerships to leverage energy efficiency to meet pollution reduction goals (local, state, and/or private)
    • Regulatory mechanisms and utility business models for energy efficiency as a resource, including in wholesale markets

    2. Energy efficiency programs

    • Examples of highly effective energy efficiency and demand flexibility programs (including for income-eligible, residential, commercial, and industrial customers)
    • Expanded elements and objectives for energy efficiency and demand flexibility programs
    • Improved energy affordability
    • Upgrading to efficient electric appliances
    • Demand flexibility (virtual power plants, grid-interactive efficient buildings, integrated demand response, capacity reduction)

    3. Data, evaluation, and analysis

    • Evaluating the multiple benefits of energy efficiency (e.g. energy equity, economic recovery, affordability, jobs, health, resilience, environmental improvement, and reliability)
    • Advanced metrics for utility energy efficiency programs to meet contemporary policy priorities (rationale, analytic approaches and metrics, policy examples, and initial results)

    4. Technology and Innovation

    • Role of energy efficiency with other distributed energy resources (e.g., integrated DER  programs, grid-interactive efficient buildings, net-zero buildings)
    • Energy efficiency applications for rapidly growing large loads such as data centers, manufacturing, and upgrading to efficient electric appliances and heat processes
    • Advances in energy-efficient technologies for next-generation utility programs
    • Harnessing AI to identify and capture new efficiency savings opportunities


    Submit your proposal here. The submission deadline is April 18, 2025.

    Note: All program presenters are required to register and pay the speaker/moderator registration fee of  $875. Also please note that proposals are for presentations only. ACEEE will not be requiring and publishing conference papers.


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