The Database of State Efficiency Screening Practices (DSP) is a comprehensive tool designed to help policymakers, regulators, and stakeholders understand how different states evaluate the cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency programs.
How to Use the DSP
The interactive map above allows users to explore state- and city-level efficiency screening practices by clicking on an orange city or a blue state. The DSP provides insights into:
- The cost-effectiveness tests used by each state
- Modifications states make to standard tests
- Additional factors considered in screening energy efficiency programs
- Policies that impact cost-effectiveness evaluations
View the full user guide here.
Explore the Data
To explore cost-effectiveness screening practices across the country, visit the Database of Screening Practices.
How this is different from ACEEE Scorecards
The ACEEE State and City Energy Efficiency Scorecards assess a wide range of energy efficiency policies and programs but do not include cost-effectiveness testing as a scoring criterion. The DSP, on the other hand, is dedicated to cataloging and analyzing cost-effectiveness screening practices to provide a detailed view of how energy efficiency programs are assessed at the state and local levels.
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