
Energy Efficiency Policy Forum

December 8, 2022

    National Press Club, Washington, DC

    Forum Overview

    The 117th Congress and the first two years of the Biden administration have been an era of major progress for federal energy efficiency policy. The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act gave us the largest combined investments in energy efficiency in U.S. history. And federal agencies have proposed or finalized significant rules on clean vehicles, affordable housing, appliance standards, and how companies report their climate risk. These have been a remarkable two years for ACEEE and our allies.

    How can we build on this progress? The 2022 Energy Efficiency Policy Forum will bring together stakeholders from the federal government, states, industry, and the advocacy community to talk about how all of this landmark legislation and regulation gets implemented—a big job considering that that the two bills represent more than $100 billion in new funding for programs that improve energy efficiency. We will also look to the future as our panelists discuss what is coming up on the administration’s regulatory agenda and what kind of action we can expect for energy efficiency in the next Congress.

    In addition, three sessions will be offered focusing on:

    Session 1: Implementation of Inflation Reduction Act – The Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act have funneled more than $100 billion to federal agencies to support energy efficiency investments. While some of this money simply boosts funding for existing programs, a substantial amount creates new programs that will require concentrated agency action to develop and implement. Hear from federal agency officials and other stakeholders who will have a voice in how these programs move from the law into our homes, offices, roads, and industrial facilities.

     Robert Jackson
    Kathleen Hogan
    Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Infrastructure
    U.S. Department of Energy
    Robert Jackson
    Assistant Director of the Materials Management Division and Energy Ombudsman
    Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
    Yuwa Vosper
     Policy & Regulatory Manager 
    WE ACT for Environmental Justice
    Lauren Ross
    Lauren Ross
    Lauren Ross
    Senior Advisor, Housing and Sustainability, Office of Multifamily Housing
    U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
    Chitra Kumar
    Director, Office of Policy, Partnerships and Program Development
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


    Session 2: Executive Actions – Regulatory authority remains one of the Biden administration’s most powerful tools for cutting consumers’ energy costs and combatting climate change. In the first half of his term, President Biden’s cabinet has promulgated rulemakings covering clean air, vehicle standards, and appliance standards that have significant energy efficiency impacts. The administration still has a lot of work cut out for it as we move forward into 2023. Panelists will discuss this rulemaking agenda and how federal agencies can use their authority to drive further reductions to greenhouse gas emissions.


    Chris Harto
    Senior Policy Analyst,
    Transportation and Energy
    Consumer Reports
    Jackie Wong
    Director, Industry, Hydrogen,
    and Innovation Group
    Lowell Ungar
    Director of Federal Policy

    Session 3: Next Congress – A new Congress means new opportunities to advance energy efficiency. A bipartisan panel of key energy and environment players on Capitol Hill will talk about what we can expect in the next session of Congress and how advocates, industry, and community stakeholders can help congressional decision makers develop policies that are good for consumers, businesses, and American competitiveness. 


    Rick Kessler
    Senior Advisor & 
    Staff Director for Energy and Environment
    House Committee on Energy and Commerce
    Mary Martin
    Chief Counsel, Energy and Environment
    House Committee on Energy and Commerce

    Keynote Plenary: Climate Goals & Energy Landscape
    U.S. Senator Joe Manchin

    Likely participants: The Policy Forum will bring together a diverse group of attendees including federal officials, policymakers, congressional staff, community-based organizations, energy service companies, energy efficiency product manufacturers, policy advocates, and energy efficiency program planners, operators, and evaluators.






    Sponsorship Opportunities

    If you would like to learn more about ACEEE conference sponsorships, contact Corinne Abbott.



    Click here for the full program.


    Program at a Glance




    Registration is closed.


    Registration Rates

    Registration Type Price Dates
    Early Bird $175 9/28 – 11/7
    Regular $250 11/8 – 12/8
    Virtual $125 11/16 – 12/8






    Safety Protocols - UPDATED!

    For everyone’s health and safety, a negative Covid test is required for attendance. Attendees have three options:

    • (Strongly encouraged if applicable)—Complete a brief Health and Safety Attestation in advance, attesting that you have been vaccinated and that you will take a Covid test in the 48 hours before arrival at the event and not attend if the result is positive (with full refund given).
    • Complete the Health and Safety Attestation at the on-site registration tables, attesting that you have been vaccinated and that you have taken a Covid test in the 48 hours before arrival and had a negative result.
    • Take a Covid test (provided by ACEEE) on-site at the registration tables and show the negative result to registration staff. If you have a positive result, you will be asked to leave and your registration fee will be refunded.

    Unless presenting, attendees are required to wear masks in all sessions. For all other conference activities (such as meals and breaks), masks are strongly recommended but not required.

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