Volume 3 - Policies and Programs to Achieve Industrial Energy Efficiency and
Combining Long Term Agreements with Emissions Trading: An Overview of the Current EU
Energy Efficiency Policies for the Industrial Sector and a Proposal for a New Industrial
Efficiency Policy
Paolo Bertoldi, European Commission, Directorate General JRC; Otto Starzer, Michael Sattler, The Austrian Energy Agency (EVA)
Economic Incentives and the Timing of Investments in Energy Conservation: The Case of
California Agriculture
Ellen Burnes, Sally Hays, California State University, Fresno
A Strategic Approach to Industrial New Construction Programs: Establishing Energy-Use
Baselines in the Absence of Code
Patsy Dugger, Grant Duhon, Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Development of Cleanroom Energy Benchmarks and Baselines for Use in Industrial New
Construction Energy Efficiency Programs
Stephen Fok, Pacific Gas and Electric Company; John Weale, Rumsey Engineers, Inc.
Promoting Innovative Energy Technologies through Output-Based Emission Policies
Susan A. Freedman, Northeast-Midwest Institute
Energy Efficiency through Long-Term Agreements: Broadening the Horizon in the New LTA
Reinier Gerrits, Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment; Bianca Oudshoff, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands
Energy Code Applicability for Industrial Facilities
Natalie Hildt, Brian McCowan, Gary Epstein, Energy & Resource Solutions, Inc.
The Impact of Energy Efficiency Technical Assistance
Kerry P. Hogan, Scott A. Smith, Mark S. Mayhew, Gregory G. Lampman, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Voluntary GHG Reductions: Early Experiences of Climate Leaders
Neil Kolwey, Michael Shepard, Platts Research and Consulting
Sectoral and Geographic Analysis of the Decline in China.s National Energy Consumption
in the Late 1990s
Joanna I. Lewis, David G. Fridley, Jonathan E. Sinton, Jieming Lin, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Energy Saving Potential from New Industrial Equipment Efficiency Standards in China
Liang Xiuying, China National Institute of Standardization; Steven Nadel, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy; Li Aixian, Zhao Yuejin, Cheng Jianhong, China National Institute of Standardization
Energy Efficiency in Environmental Permits in Europe
Marianne Lindström, Mikko Attila, Jaana Pennanen, Elise Sahivirta, Finnish Environment Institute
DOE.s Federal Industrial Facilities Initiative: A Collaborative Partnership Between the
Federal Energy Management and Industrial Technologies Programs
Michaela Martin, Mitch Olszewski, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dynamic Simulation of Compressed Air Systems
G. Maxwell, P. Rivera, Iowa State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motor System Optimization in China: A Capacity-Building Model for Industrial Energy
Aimee McKane, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Robert Williams, United Nations Industrial Development Organization; Vestal Tutterow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Steven Nadel, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy; Guijin Zou, China Energy Conservation Investment Corporation
Industrial Fan and Pump Systems: Capturing Large Savings through Improved System
Steven Nadel, R. Neal Elliott, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
Voluntary Agreements for Increasing Energy-Efficiency in Industry: Case Study of a Pilot
Project with the Steel Industry in Shandong Province, China
Lynn Price, Ernst Worrell, Jonathan E. Sinton, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Jiang Yun, China Energy Conservation Association
The .Efficient Compressed Air. Campaign in Germany: Market Transformation to Activate
Cost Reductions and Emissions Savings
Peter Radgen, Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research
DOE Fan System Assessment Tool (FSAT) and Qualified FSAT Specialist Training: A Model
for Increasing Industrial Fan System Energy Efficiency
Anthony Radspieler Jr., Aimee McKane, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Philip Jallouk, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Joe Brooks, Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.
Transactions Costs in Efficiency and Emissions Reductions Projects in the Industrial
Eric Smith, John A. Skip. Laitner, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Wisconsin.s Approach to Quantifying Emission Reductions: Coordinating the Focus on
Energy Program with the Wisconsin Voluntary Emission Reduction Registry
David Sumi, Jeff Erickson, Karl Hausker, PA Consulting Group; Jim Mapp, Cheryl Rezabek, Pat Meier, State of Wisconsin, Department of Administration, Division of Energy
Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation: Improving Industrial Energy
Efficiency in Canada
Glenda Taylor, Mallika Nanduri, Office of Energy Efficiency, Natural Resources Canada
Career Paths of Senior Industrial Assessment Center Program Alumni
Bruce Tonn, Jean Peretz, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The Mom and Pop Machine Shop: Designing Programs for Small Industrial Customers
Philippus Willems, Quantum Consulting; Rafael Friedmann, Pacific Gas & Electric Company; Kris Bradley, Marissa Myers, Quantum Consulting