
First Person: EECBG Experiences

December 12, 2024

Alex Galt, Clean Energy Connector, City of Green Bay, Wisconsin

Why did you join the EECBG Program Blueprint Cohorts?
Working on clean energy initiatives in a small city can be a lonely job. While I work in a building filled with people, I don’t work directly with many. I was looking to connect to a larger community of people who are engaged with electrification programs.

Why did you choose your cohort, specifically?

The grant application that funds my position here at the City of Green Bay used Blueprint #2C, Energy Savings Performance Contracts: Energy Efficiency & Electrification in Government Buildings. It was the cohort most closely aligned with my work.

What impact has participating in an EECBG Blueprint Cohort had on your EECBG Program project or other local clean energy and efficiency work?

My own background is in small business and sustainable management. This is the first, official public outreach campaign that I have been responsible for. So, I’ve been learning on the job. The cohort has been a great way to fill in the gaps.  

What have you learned, and how has it helped your government?

So far, the most important discussion was about communicating with contractors. Getting some actionable advice was helpful and gave me the confidence to go forward. I’m happy to say that I just scheduled a training event for plumbers interested in heat pump water heaters.

What has been your favorite part of participating in the Blueprint Cohorts, so far?

I’ve enjoyed the sense that I’m not alone in doing this work. I’ve been able to forge some important relationships because of the cohort, that I believe will endure after the formal sessions are concluded.

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