
Leaders of the Pack 2024: Commercial

October 14, 2024

Large Commercial

This award category recognizes energy efficiency programs that specifically serve large commercial customers, such as large office buildings, retail stores, or warehouses. The winning programs are commendable for providing comprehensive retrofits and upgrades of multiple types of building technologies and systems, such as lighting and HVAC.  

Leader of the Pack: Strategic Energy Management Partnership Initiative, Rhode Island Energy; Rhode Island 

Program start year


Net annual energy savings (2023)

8,900 MWh; 0.2 million therms

Number of participants

As of 2023, the program had 12 SEMP partners, which included two public entities, six colleges and universities, an industrial park, a healthcare provider, and two large retail businesses. The program has completed over 825 energy efficiency projects since 2013.

Budget for most recent year

Approximately $5.75 million (25% of $23 million for all large commercial and industrial (C&I) customer programs)

Program website


Link to most recent evaluation report

Impact Evaluation of Custom Electric Installations in Rhode Island:

Impact Evaluation of Custom Gas Installations in Rhode Island:


The Strategic Energy Management Partnerships (SEMP) Initiative enhances and expands long term relationships with Rhode Island Energy’s largest, most strategic customers to meet mutual energy and sustainability goals. Instead of transactional, project-by-project energy efficiency program participation, program staff collaboratively develop and implement project pipelines and integrate energy efficiency into a customer's daily operations. The SEMP Initiative helps customers think long term about their energy use, needs, and equipment. This initiative allows tailored approach to the customer's specific needs and results in comprehensive energy savings.

SEMP provides an integrated package of financial, technical and program management support to achieve savings and meet goals. Participating customers agree to specific savings targets documented in a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MOU). Eligible upgrades include lighting, energy management systems, heat pumps, chillers, boilers, insulation, retro-commissioning, and custom upgrades. For its long-term relationship with clients and extensive upgrade offerings, Rhode Island Energy's SEMP is a Leader of the Pack. 

Key accomplishments and program features

  • The program design helps customers realize broader and deeper energy efficiency by providing a framework for ongoing collaboration rather than project-by-project transactions. 
  • SEMP participants negotiate and can receive enhanced incentives for exceeding established annual savings targets. 
  • SEMP participants can fund their portion of project costs using Rhode Island Energy’s on-bill repayment program.
  • A dedicated SEMP program manager facilitates implementation across all the energy efficiency and customer programs, which reduces SEMP participants’ transaction time. The program manager tracks progress towards goals and facilitates regular meetings and delivery of program resources to support emerging technologies and priorities.



Exemplary Program: Flexible Technical Assistance (FlexTech), New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA); New York

Program website


Link to most recent evaluation report



The FlexTech Program provides custom cost-shared, credible, and objective technical assistance for existing commercial, industrial, and multifamily buildings in New York State. A goal of the program is to help end users identify and quantify potential energy-related improvements that will reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Key accomplishments and program features

  • Customers work with third-party engineering/consulting firms to conduct comprehensive energy analyses of buildings.
  • FlexTech emphasizes flexibility by tailoring its analyses to support customer needs and objectives. 
  • FlexTech is fuel-neutral and may include electric and/or fossil fuel-based measure analysis.


Small Commercial

This award category recognizes energy efficiency programs that specifically serve small businesses and other types of commercial customers. The winning programs are commendable for providing services and incentives that effectively support efforts of small commercial customers to reduce their energy costs through energy efficiency improvements. Leading small commercial programs provide high levels of customer contact (e.g., one-stop shop designs) and innovative incentives that overcome financial barriers to make necessary investments.

Leader of the Pack: Main Streets, Eversource and Sponsors of Mass Save; Massachusetts

Program start year


Average annual energy savings

12,998,355 kWh and 102,432 therms

Number of participants

1,031 (average annual customers)

Budget for most recent year

$6 million

Program website


Link to most recent evaluation report

The Main Streets program targets an underserved commercial group, reaching microbusinesses that might not otherwise be approached by contractors. As a joint initiative between Eversource and the Sponsors of Mass Save, the program offers weatherization and incentives on all gas and electric measures. Program administrators conduct extensive community outreach, organizing community events and canvassing at a business district. Eversource offers enhanced financial incentives that can cover up to 90% of project cost or 100% of weatherization for customers who rent their space. 

In 2024 Eversource will pilot an expansion of the Main Streets program to serve multifamily and municipal buildings. This pilot will also offer heat pump and electric vehicle education. For its focus on a very hard-to-reach market, generous financial incentives, and ambitious engagement efforts, Eversource's Main Streets program is a Leader of the Pack. 

Key accomplishments and program features 

  • Program participants save an average of $0.68 per kWh and $5.33 per Therm. 
  • Program outreach has increased over the years, from hosting 9 in-person events in 2019 to 65 in-person events in 2023. 
  • Main Streets has a strong focus on equity: it targets businesses in environmental justice communities and offers multilingual marketing and outreach.
  • Eversource partners with local communities and nonprofits for its outreach to environmental justice communities.


Exemplary Program: One-Stop Efficiency Shop, Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) and Xcel Energy; Minnesota

Program website

Link to most recent evaluation report{C00A8B8E-0000-C61D-98C1-24C4FC5718DD}&documentTitle=20243-204776-01


The One-Stop Efficiency Shop (One-Stop) offers energy-efficient equipment upgrades for the hard-to-serve small business sector. CEE provides free lighting, HVAC, and refrigeration consulting and assessments, recommendations, and assistance reviewing bids and finding qualified contractors. Xcel Energy sponsors the program and issues program rebate checks.

Key accomplishments and program features

  • Eligible participants must receive commercial electric service from Xcel Energy, be located in Minnesota, and have an electric demand of 400 kW or less. 
  • Participants first receive free, no-obligation energy assessments and reports. 
  • Participants can then access below-market rate financing and rebates for lighting, HVAC, and refrigeration projects. 
  • Program staff are readily available to aid participants with educational and financial resources.

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