
Leaders of the Pack 2024: Multifamily

October 14, 2024

This award category recognizes programs that provide comprehensive weatherization for multifamily buildings with five or more units. The winning programs are commendable for serving residents of affordable housing and offering additional services like electrification and solar installation.

Leader of the Pack: Wattsmart Multifamily Program, Rocky Mountain Power and ICAST; Utah  

Program start year


Annual net energy savings for most recent year

25,200 MWh

Number of participants

145 multifamily projects in 2023, benefiting 9,987 housing units

Incentive budget for most recent year

$8.6 million

Program website

Link to most recent evaluation report

Evaluation, Verification and Measurement Report Residential Home Energy Savings Program Utah

The Wattsmart Multifamily Program focuses on holistic, deep energy savings, paying custom incentives tied directly to energy savings. The incentives are designed to compensate for the higher costs of very-high-efficiency equipment. Multifamily affordable housing projects receive more generous incentives than market-rate multifamily housing projects. All incentives to multifamily customers and administrative fees for the program implementer, ICAST, are on a 100% pay-for-performance structure, meaning rebates and administrative fees are only paid for kWh savings achieved. Eligible measures span a full range of building technologies: HVAC, lighting, appliances, building shell, windows, and water heating. 

This program has incentivized the installation of over 12,000 heat pump HVAC systems after receiving state approval for fuel-switching from gas to electric systems. It is now gearing up for another large scaling up by partnering with various Inflation Reduction Act-funded programs and braiding those incentives with Rocky Mountain Power program incentives and owner contributions. For its affordable housing offerings, advancement of electrification, and rapid growth in electricity savings, Rocky Mountain Power and ICAST's Wattsmart Multifamily program is a Leader of the Pack. 

Key accomplishments and program features

  • In 2023, the program's heat pump installations resulted in estimated savings of 46.3 million pounds of CO2 emissions.
  • The program has grown rapidly, achieving almost 500% in annual kWh savings since its launch in 2018.
  • In 2023, 57% percent of the program budget went to low-income households.
  • The program remains cost-effective, even while serving mostly low-income clients in the hard-to-serve multifamily market. It consistently achieves over 20% savings for each project.



Exemplary Program: Low Income Weatherization Program for Multifamily (LIWP-MF), California Department of Community Services and Development, California

Program website

Link to most recent evaluation report

The LIWP-MF program serves affordable multifamily properties with at least 66% of units at or below 80% of area median income. Homeowners and renters can receive comprehensive energy efficiency, solar photovoltaic (PV), and electrification upgrades. 

Key accomplishments and program features

  • In 2023, the program served 1,594 low-income households and reported 23,685 MMBtu annual net savings.
  • Thirty-seven percent of site energy savings have come from energy efficiency measures alone; this amount rises to 43% when combined with solar PV.
  • The program addresses both electric and gas measures.
  • Additional services include expert technical assistance, energy audits, energy modeling, contractor selection guidance, and quality assurance site visits.


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