
Local Policy Toolkit

February 10, 2020
Energy Efficiency Research

ACEEE acts as a technical assistance advisor to numerous local governments and authorities by providing analyses on the potential for energy efficiency and presenting policy opportunities. This toolkit was developed as a result of our experience working with local policymakers, program managers, and community stakeholders. The tools are designed to respond to needs of local governments and others engaged in advancing energy efficiency at the local level. Many of these tools are aimed at enabling action on low-cost, high-impact policies that will allow communities to achieve lasting energy savings.

The resources below summarize several of the programs and policies being implemented in local communities around the country. They include links to introductory information and technical assistance resources for each topic area. These resources are continually evolving as we identify additional local needs, develop new strategies, and improve upon existing ones. If you do not find the tool you need, please let us know. Need more help? Fill out this form and send it to us. For resources related to state policy please see the State Technical Assistance Toolkit.

We also maintain toolkits for state energy efficiency policy and rural energy efficiency.

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