Policy Brief

Data Update: City Energy Burdens

September 11, 2024

This factsheet provides an update to our 2020 report How High Are Household Energy Burdens? An Assessment of National and Metropolitan Energy Burdens across the U.S.. Our new limited data update analyzes how energy burdens – the percentage of household income spent on energy bills – vary across a selection of highly impacted groups in 36 metropolitan areas in the United States. Findings demonstrate that high energy burdens are a persistent challenge across all metro areas. In addition, we found that 25% of low-income renters and homeowners had disproportionally higher energy burdens than the average household. 

ACEEE’s previous energy burden research includes reports from 2020, 2018, and 2016.

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This Article Was About

Energy Equity Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs Local and Community Initiatives


Roxana Ayala
Senior Research Analyst, Local Policy
Amanda Dewey
Research Manager, Local Policy
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