On January 19 and 20, 2023, over 1,000 participants joined Residential Retrofits for Energy Equity at a virtual summit for local and state government staff and community-based organizations on leveraging federal funding and multi-sector, community-centered approaches to scaling up holistic retrofits in affordable housing. Below are recordings of each session and copies of the slide presentations.
Keynote: Delmar Gillus of Elevate Energy Vídeo en español |
Building Retrofits: Basics and Benefits Vídeo en español Building Retrofits: Basics and Benefits slides |
Engaging Across Sectors: An Introduction to Community, Affordable Housing, Health, Economic Inclusion, and Other Stakeholders Vídeo en español Engaging Across Sectors slides |
Meeting this Moment: How community organizations are mobilizing collaborative housing and energy solutions Vídeo en español Meeting this Moment slides |
Leveraging New and Existing Federal Funding Opportunities for Building Upgrades Vídeo en español Leveraging Federal Funding slides |
Introduction to Community-Driven Planning Vídeo en español Introduction to Community-Driven Planning slides |
Announcement from the US Department of Energy: Buildings Upgrade Prize |
Premio a las Mejoras de los Edificios |
Speaker biographies: The summit featured speakers with expertise on affordable housing, workforce development, community leadership, racial equity, energy efficiency, clean energy, and electrification. Full session recordings: Day 1; and Day 2 Please contact R2E2@aceee.org with any questions.