
Introduction to Community-Driven Planning

April 13, 2023

Introduction to Community-Driven Planning

This webinar focuses on how to develop authentic community partnerships and best engage frontline communities in the context of planning for building upgrades. Our speakers identify ways to build stronger connections between agencies, local governments, community-based organizations, and community members; provide an overview of Community-Driven Climate Resilience Planning's planning principles and frameworks; and familiarize attendees with resources on effective strategies for community engagement.

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Corrine Van Hook Turner, Director, People's Climate Innovation Center

Corrine leads the overall vision and strategy for the organization and its programs, bringing a lens of racial equity and transformative movement building. Corrine’s 20+ years of experience are deeply immersed in movements advancing social, economic, environmental and racial justice. She has continued to develop her leadership working with the Rockwood Leadership Institute, Greater New Beginnings Youth Services, Oakland Climate Action Coalition, and contracting with various organizations. Corrine was the former Co-Director of Rooted in Resilience (formerly Bay Localize), a grassroots organization working to catalyze a movement for more equitable, resilient communities. More recently, she served as the Program Manager and Director of Climate Innovation initially as a program, now grown to be a fiscally sponsored network partner of Movement Strategy Center (MSC). She currently serves on the steering committee of the California Trade Justice Coalition and board of New Buildings Institute (NBI). She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley.


Jaime Love, Director of Programs, People's Climate Innovation Center

Jaime provides leadership, strategy and support to People's Climate Innovation Center programs that advance approaches to community-driven planning and movement building, while centering racial equity and whole-systems solutions. Jaime has over 20 years of experience in a variety of spaces including public health, philanthropy, and climate resilience, with a deep focus on racial justice and health equity. Her expertise ranges from program development and leadership, equity, policy advocacy, to communications and outreach. Jaime is a 2016 PLACES Fellow (Professionals Learning About Community, Equity, and Smart Growth), and has participated in multiple leadership programs including Rockwood Leadership Institute and Interaction Institute for Social Change. Jaime is currently on the board of the Blue Ash YMCA, Co-op Cincy, and Green Umbrella locally. Nationally, she sits on the PLACES Advisory Committee and the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders (SAFSF) Policy Committee. She holds a master’s degree from the University of Cincinnati in Health Promotion and a BS from Central Michigan University.


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