In the next few years, power demand from electric trucks and buses will become a growing concern, as these loads can be large and are generally concentrated on a limited number of distribution circuits. The shift to electric fleets is starting with school buses, transit buses, and delivery vans and will also affect other medium-duty and ultimately heavy-duty trucks. Loads can range from a few megawatts (MW) per site for school bus and delivery van depots to 20–40 MW for large truck depots and truck stops. Medium-size loads (e.g., 5 MW) may require new distribution circuits while large new loads (10 MW or more) will often require new or expanded substations. Since new and expanded substations can take five years or more to propose, design, and build, plans need to be prepared today for loads expected by 2030. This toolkit outlines a seven-step process for utilities and regulatory commissions to work together to plan for these loads.