

Clean Energy - Going Green
Energy Efficiency - International
Energy efficiency is certainly not a concept unique to the United States.

Indeed, efficiency opportunities exist throughout the world. Some of the global leaders reside in Europe, where high energy prices demanded efficient technologies and practices years ago. ACEEE seeks to learn best practices from other countries that may be applicable to the United States. Although most of our work pertains to the U.S., we also advise and assist energy efficiency centers and programs in key developing countries. Senior ACEEE staff have made long-term commitments to help Brazil, Thailand, and China in particular. 

Beginning in 1983, we conducted studies of electrical conservation potential and helped establish a successful national electricity conservation program (known as PROCEL) in Brazil. 


With assistance from ACEEE, PROCEL developed and implemented numerous energy efficiency projects and minimum efficiency standards. In addition, we helped establish a nonprofit organization known as the National Institute for Energy Efficiency in Brazil.

Beginning in 1989, ACEEE has assisted the Thai National Energy Policy Office and other agencies to develop minimum efficiency standards, appliance labels, and demand-side management programs.

In 1994, ACEEE began assisting the Beijing Energy Efficiency Center and other organizations in the People's Republic of China with the development of the China Green Lights Program and the China Motor Systems Energy Conservation Program. ACEEE helped advance the adoption of appliance efficiency standards in China as well.

In India, ACEEE helped a sister organization, the Alliance for an Energy-Efficient Economy or (AEEE), launch its first national conference in 2017 in Jaipur, the capital of the state of Rajasthan, as well as its second conference. We offered guidance on the development of its first scorecard in 2018, which was modeled after ACEEE's long-standing state scorecard and tracks the energy efficiency efforts of India’s 29 states and capital, Delhi.

Similarly, in Canada, we worked with Efficiency Canada to develop its first scorecard in 2019 to track and rank Canadian provinces on their efficiency policies. We also prepared a joint report with them on carbon pricing in North America.

ACEEE has assisted or supported energy efficiency efforts in Egypt, the Czech and Slovak Republics, Poland, and other countries.

In 2012, ACEEE released its first International Energy Efficiency Scorecardwhich it continues to update. 

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