
BECC Webinar: Changing Transportation and Energy Use Behavior - Learning from Denmark and Australia

February 23, 2023 | 4:00pm - 5:00pm EST

How can policymakers motivate people to trim home energy use and seek alternatives to driving cars? Join us for a webinar highlighting two of the most impactful, innovative, replicable and adaptable behavior change programs that can point the way.

Attendees will hear how Australia has used gamification to motivate and empower low-income renters to reduce household energy consumption by 12.3% and increase adoption of energy efficient habits by 22.5%. We will then turn to Denmark to learn how Copenhagen has consistently increased cycling rates year after yearreaching an incredible 49% of commuting trips (to work and school). These two behavior change programs were identified as 2022 landmark case studies by Tools of Change, a website devoted to highlighting excellence in community-based social marketing.

Moderator: Jay Kassirer, MBA, General Manager of Tools of Change, and President of Cullbridge Marketing and Communications

Jay is an internationally recognized social marketing consultant, trainer, and web publisher. Jay publishes the widely acclaimed Tools of Change website, based on a Community-Based Social Marketing (CBSM) workbook he co-authored with Doug McKenzie-Mohr 25 years ago, and for the past 15 years has managed an annual peer review process that designates best-in-class behavior programs focused on energy use, transportation, and climate-change mitigation and adaptation. Jay has focused his career on marketing the behavior changes required for a sustainable future. He has twice been awarded the international Outstanding Contribution to Social Marketing Award.


Professor Rebekah Russell-Bennett Ph.D., Co-Director Centre for Behavioural Economics, Society and Technology, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

Professor Russell-Bennett’s research lies at the nexus of the social marketing (behavior change) and services marketing domains where she works with policymakers and non-profit organizations to develop innovative solutions for social and behavior-based problems such as electricity conservation, educational disadvantage, alcohol use, and overconsumption of resources. She has conducted extensive research with consumers on trust in the energy system, energy policy, energy efficiency, and demand management strategies. In particular, Professor Russell-Bennett contributed to the design of the highly successful Reduce Your Juice LIEEP pilot program to support low-income renters to save energy and money. She has expertise in understanding consumers experiencing vulnerability and their energy concerns and requirements. 

Tim Swinton, Manager, Major Initiatives, Shell Energy Australia

Tim was the Project Manager responsible for creating and executing the Reduce Your Juice program with a talented, multi-disciplinary team of experts. He currently works at Shell Energy developing, financing, constructing, and operating solar PV, battery energy storage systems and virtual power plant projects across Australia. Prior to this, Tim was an Executive Director in the Queensland State Government’s Office of Small Business, leading work teams across the disciplines of Program Management, Policy and Strategy, and Regional Industry and Engagement. Tim also spent seven years at CitySmart developing several award winning, innovative energy efficiency projects that engaged over 65,000 residents and small businesses to deliver $39m in annual direct cost savings.

Henrik Lundorff Kristensen, Special Consultant, City of Copenhagen, Cycling unit in the Mobility Division within the Technical and Environmental Administration

Henrik is a political scientist specializing in cycling and focusing specifically on the international diffusion of public policies in cycling and sustainable mobility. Henrik oversees the Municipality of Copenhagen's participation in international cycling collaborations, including C40 cities, EU projects, Velo-city conference, and UCI Bike Cities. He also serves at the board of the Cycling Embassy of Denmark and Danish Cyclists' Federation. He previously served as an advisor at the Danish Ministry of Transportation (2019-2020) and at the City Government of Buenos Aires (2016-2019).

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