
BECC Webinar: Climate Justice Lessons from Africa

June 27, 2023 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT

What can we learn about changing behavior from energy saving efforts and grassroots initiatives around the world? Join us for a webinar to hear local leaders from across Sub-Saharan Africa as they share their climate action stories and experiences.

Whether it’s energy retrofits, anti-pollution programs and sustainability efforts, or climate activism and youth education, our distinguished panelists will share lessons and information that can be applied anywhere.

Attendees will hear from six participants in the Historically Black College or University (HBCU) Green Fund’s Sustainable Future for Africa and the Diaspora network. The HBCU Green Fund encourages institutions that benefited from slavery to invest in efficiency upgrades for HBCU buildings, and the diaspora network extends this work beyond American borders. The session will include a Q&A discussion following the presentations.


Moderator: Pamela Fann, Co-owner/Principal, Impact Energy - USA 

Pamela’s work focuses on energy efficiency project implementation and workforce development. She also works to promote equitable job expansion within the energy industry that positively impacts lives and supports community economic advancement.

She is the Founder and CEO of Integrated Solutions, a Diversity, Inclusion, and Integration consulting company that develops frameworks to implement diversity successfully and sustainably within organizations. Integrated Solutions’ mission is to drive industry transformation through organization cultural competency, caring conversations, and additional diversity advisory services. 

Felicia M. Davis, Founder and Executive Director of the HBCU Green Fund - USA

Felicia is staunch advocate for measurable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency retrofits, green building, renewable energy solutions, and an array of sustainable practices. In 2016 she co-founded the HBCU Green Fund to help finance green projects at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. She serves on the steering committees of Intentional Endowments Network, Croatan Institute, and the JustTransition PowerForce. She was a founding board member for Green 2.0, dedicated to increasing racial diversity in environmental leadership, and a member of the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper board. She also convenes the Sustainable Future for Africa & Diaspora.

Kassim Hussein, Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Climate and Sustainability Empowerment - Ghana

Kassim is an environmental and a sustainable development practitioner with over 10 years of experience in communicating about climate change, running advocacy campaigns, and engaging in developmental issues in Ghana. In addition to leading the Center for Climate and Sustainability Empowerment, he is the Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Liaison for ECOS (Climate Education, Communication, Outreach stakeholders Community) of the UNFCCC.

Sharon Gakii, Co-Founder of the International Consortium on Climate and Biodiversity (ICCB) - Kenya

Sharon is a climate justice activist on Fridays for Future Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA) movement, a volunteer with the Loss and Damage Youth Coalition, and an Arctic Angel with Global Choices, where she advocates for the protection of the Arctic ice shield. Sharon also serves on the 2023 YOUNGO Food at COP Campaign as a point of contact. She's engaged with transformative education and improving the lives of young people, and in championing policies and structures that promote volunteerism in the African continent. She believes that everyone has a skill and a thing to offer in climate justice advocacy.

Abubakar Kromah, Founder/Executive Director of the Climate Activists Association of Liberia (CAAL) - Liberia

Abubakar is a youth and climate justice activist. He’s a member of YOUNGO, ACE Working Group, and leads CAAL - an umbrella organization that aims to network activists and other climate and environmental organizations across the length and breadth of Liberia and its neighbors. Their major concerns are to help mitigate climate change and the environmental crisis in Liberia and the world at large. He's currently serving as the Youth President for his community, which is one that suffers some of the most adverse impacts of climate change. In addition, Abubakar is a Program Coordinator for the HBCU Green Fund. As a testament to his work over the past years, he was appointed as a 2023 Climate Ambassador of the Global Youth Climate Network (GYCN).

Bashiru Korom, Product Planning and Development Officer at the National Tourist Board of Sierra Leone, and Chief Executive Officer and Founder for Keep Africa Beautiful Sierra Leone - Sierra Leone

Bashiru is a Conservationist and Natural Resource Management specialist as well as a United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) MENTOR-PACE Fellow.

He holds a dual program Master of Business Administration (MBA) and a Certification in Conservation Leadership Pathway from the School of Wildlife Conservation (SOWC), from the African Leadership University School of Business (ALUSB) and a Master of Public Health (MPH) specialized in Environmental Health.

Kwerit Sarah Chebijira, Founder of Clean Cities Uganda - Uganda

Kwerit is a distinguished environmental sustainability leader and has had the privilege to serve as the team lead at Climate Change Action Africa.

Her work focuses on addressing poor waste management in Uganda's major cities. As a UN Youth Fellow, Chebijira is using the African United Nations Youth Delegation Platform to raise awareness and advocate for policies that benefit young people in her community. She is also the President of the African Views Students Chapter in Uganda, which has allowed her to engage with and inspire other young people.

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