
Electrifying Industry’s Process Heat Supply with Industrial Heat Pumps

April 6, 2022 | 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT

As energy prices soar, a familiar but little-used technology—industrial heat pumps (IHPs)—offer a compelling path to greater electrification and energy security, according to a recent ACEEE report. The analysis shows that using IHPs in key industry groups and operations could cut U.S. industrial energy use associated with process heat (the thermal energy used to prepare materials and produce manufactured goods) by up to a third and CO2 emissions by an amount equal to those from up to 2.7 million cars. Expansion of IHP use across broader industry would save even more energy and CO2 emissions.

As businesses and governments continue to set sustainability goals and targets for greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions, bringing large-scale electrification to the industrial sector is more important than ever – especially because industry accounts for more than 25% of U.S. energy use and GHG emissions. This includes electrifying process heat, which accounts for half of on-site energy use.

Join us for a webinar exploring how IHPs have advanced and can be implemented to rapidly reduce GHG emissions. Attendees will hear insights from an expert panel on how to lower the energy and GHG footprint of process heat (to enable sustainability goals, and return business value), accelerate adoption of IHPs by understanding starting opportunities, and where enabling policies can make a difference to realize state and federal GHG reduction goals.



Moderator: Edward Rightor, Director, Industrial Program, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

Ed leads ACEEE’s strategic vision for the industrial sector, convenes stakeholders to accelerate energy efficiency and reductions of GHGs, and develops broadly supported policy recommendations to enable decarbonization. Recently, he served on the National Academies committee on a roadmap for decarbonization of the U.S. energy system and co-led a DOE roadmap on industrial decarbonization. Prior to joining ACEEE, he held several leadership roles at Dow Chemical during his 31 year career. Through 2017, he served as the Director of Strategic Projects in Dow’s Environmental Technology Center. In this role he worked across global operations to reduce air emissions, waste, freshwater intake, and energy use. He also spearheaded a roadmap for the global chemical industry on paths to reduce energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. He earned a doctorate in chemistry from Michigan State University and a bachelor of science in chemistry from Marietta College.


Colin McMillan, Senior Analyst, Strategic Energy Analysis Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Colin’s research deals with understanding energy and material use in economies. His primary focus is improving data and methods used for modeling the industrial sector, particularly within energy system models. Dr. McMillan’s most recent research has involved detailing industrial process heat demand and evaluating the potential for alternative heat technologies, including solar thermal and PV-connected electro-technologies.

Cordin Arpagaus, Dr. sc. Techn., Senior Research Engineer, Institute of Energy Systems, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences

At the Institute of Energy Systems, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, the research that Dr. Arpagaus and his group focus on includes thermal energy systems, heat pumps, refrigeration, and energy efficiency in industrial processes, especially high-temperature heat pumps for industrial applications. He holds degrees of Dipl. NDS ETHZ in Industrial Management and Dipl. Process Engineer from ETH Zurich.

Paul Scheihing, Principal, 50001 Strategies

Paul has over 30 years of industrial energy efficiency experience. He has focused his efforts on creating initiatives with a clear business case that lead to clean energy, sustainability and decarbonization best practices across U.S. manufacturing. He worked 30 years at the U.S. DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office until 2019. He now works as a consultant with manufacturing companies and other organizations, such as ACEEE, advancing industrial energy efficiency, specifically through ISO 50001 energy management and industrial heat pump technology.

Todd Baldyga, Director, Industrial and Agriculture, NYSERDA

Todd is responsible for the development of market-driven solutions that will address barriers to adopt greater clean energy technologies and strategies in the industrial and agriculture markets. He has led his team to develop and implement the first Strategic Energy Management initiative in the Industrial marketplace in New York. During his 20 plus years at NYSERDA, Todd has been involved in the creation and implementation of a wide array of energy efficiency programs to assist commercial and industrial customers with their sustainability and decarbonization efforts from performance contracting, technical assistance, and performance-based energy efficiency programs.

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