Blog Post

New ENERGY STAR-like label enters the marketplace; Join us to learn more

July 27, 2017

In mid August, we’re holding a pre-conference Summer Study meeting in Denver to explain and discuss something big. Really big!

We started the Extended Motor Product Label Initiative (EMPLI) three years ago to create an ENERGY STAR®-like label for commercial and industrial products: fans, pumps, and air compressors to start, and drives and maybe elevators and escalators in the future.

We’re on the cusp of making that goal a reality. We’re starting with pumps. The Hydraulic Institute and its pump manufacturing members have created a Pump Energy Rating label that gives information about a pump the same way the EnergyGuide provides energy savings on a refrigerator.

This label can help end users and, since the Hydraulic Institute developed its rating and labeling system with the input of energy efficiency program administrators, it can also become the basis of new prescriptive rebate programs. Just as savings programs provided per-horsepower rebates for high-efficiency motors in the past, new programs will be able to do the same for pumps, fans, and air compressors in the future.

There’s more. The Hydraulic Institute has created a database with information on all tested and certified products. The Northwest Regional Technical Forum has approved savings estimation methods for many of these products. We are ready to start pilot programs.

And now for the really big news: the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance is working with software developers to create an on-line marketplace where all certified products can be listed and energy efficiency programs can list the features and details of their programs. Wholesalers and project developers in the commercial and industrial sectors can see if their clients are eligible for incentives as well as apply for and receive them. The Extended Motor Product Marketplace (XMP MP) will be national in scope.

Sound interesting? Good, because we need you to help us shape the future of the XMP MP. Frankly, we can’t do it without the participation and contributions of people from across the energy efficiency sector, especially those involved in program administration, implementation, and evaluation. Our free pre-conference meeting starts at 1:00 pm on August 15; let me know if you plan to attend with an email to

Like this meeting, our Summer Study is a great chance to meet people in the industrial sector. We have plenty of time between sessions for networking and allow attendees to schedule informal sessions. We offer three other pre-conference meetings, two of which are free.

Please join us to help make the XMP Marketplace a reality. Together, we can make what’s new happen.


Ethan Rogers
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