Press Release

ACEEE Announces Transitions on Board of Directors

September 19, 2016

Washington, DC—ACEEE is pleased to announce that Mandy Mahoney of the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA) and David Parekh of United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) have joined ACEEE’s board of directors. In other transitions, Peter Molinaro (Dow Chemical, retired) and Maxine Savitz (independent) left the board. Ms. Savitz, who joined the board in 1985, will continue to serve ACEEE as board member emeritus. In addition, Penni McLean-Connor (Eversource Energy) was elected board president, while former board president Alison Silverstein (independent consultant) was named secretary of the board.

Ms. Mahoney serves as president of SEEA, a regional organization that promotes energy efficiency as a catalyst for economic growth, workforce development, and energy security. SEEA works collaboratively with many different stakeholder groups to serve utilities, businesses, and communities in 11 southeastern states.

Mr. Parekh is Vice President, Research and Director at UTRC, which works in collaboration with United Technologies Corporation’s business units to achieve innovative and sustainable solutions and products for customers in commercial aerospace, defense, and building industries.

“We welcome Mandy and David and appreciate their willingness to guide and advise us on the direction of ACEEE,” said Carl Blumstein, chairman of the board. “These talented professionals will add valuable experience and perspective to the board of directors. We are also grateful for the leadership Peter and Maxine have provided and thank them for their many years of service to ACEEE.” 


The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy acts as a catalyst to advance energy efficiency policies, programs, technologies, investments, and behaviors.

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