
Ready-to-Go: State and Local Efforts Advancing Energy Efficiency

November 9, 2021

This toolkit provides a resource for local and state governments, and their partner organizations, as they prepare to deploy current and future federal funding opportunities. We first discuss six guiding principles for governments developing energy efficiency programs, synthesizing lessons learned from examples and centering equity considerations. Following this discussion of guiding principles, we provide descriptions of 17 example programs across the United States. These programs address housing, transportation, workforce development, and other topics. Each project description summarizes the program, identifies successes and challenges, and highlights key ways that the program can be applied to other governments’ work.


Suggested Citation
Dewey, A., J. Mah, and B. Howard. 2021. Ready to Go: State and Local Efforts Advancing Energy Efficiency. Washington, DC: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.….



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Federal Funding Local and Community Initiatives Commercial Buildings
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